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How to connect to Kryptex Pool directly

أكتوبر 25, 2021, 2:47 م

What does it mean — connect directly?

It means that you can mine directly to your Kryptex account without Kryptex app. All your earnings will be stored at your account and converted into Bitcoin.

This method allows you to mine any cryptocurrency that is presented on the Kryptex Pools, except for the NIR coin.

From your account, you can order payments in several ways:

  • in Bitcoin BTC (including Bitcoin Lightning Network);
  • in Ethereum ETH;
  • in Litecoin LTC;
  • in USDT (BEP20, TRC20);
  • Volet.com payouts;
  • Bitrefill payouts.

How to receive payouts in Bitcoin?

Quick Guide for Experienced Miners:

  1. Sign up at kryptex.com and verify your email.
  2. Use your unique Mining username as your wallet address. You can find it in your profile.

    • Although you can use your email, we recommend the username for greater flexibility.

  3. Start mining, and within a few minutes, your worker will appear in the "Pool Workers" section of your Kryptex account.

Available connection options:

  • krxXXXXXX
  • krxXXXXXX/Worker1
  • krxXXXXXX.Worker
  • krxxxxxxx.Worker
  • KRXXXXXXX.Worker
  • john_miner@gmail.com/worker

How to connect?

  1. Choose the coin you want to mine.
    • You can find the full list of supported coins on the Kryptex pool main page or in the table below. With auto-exchange, you can mine any coin except Nirmata (NIR).
  2. Configure your miner, operating system, or ASIC with the address of your chosen coin.
    • You can download the miner for your selected coin or find detailed setup instructions on its dedicated page.
  3. Enter your Mining Username as the wallet address for mining.

Mining Username — a unique identifier like krxXXXXXX. You can find it in your profile settings.

Alternatively, you can use your email as the wallet address. However, not all miners support this format. If you choose to use your email, include the worker name by adding a slash. Example: miner@gmail.com/worker.

Worker Name — The rig name should be no more than 32 characters, use only Latin letters, numbers (0-9), and no spaces or special characters. Example: MyRig1.

Coin Pool address Wallet format Password
BTC+FB btc.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
BCH bch.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
FB fb.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
LTC+DOGE+BEL+PEP ltc.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
ALPH alph.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
KAS kas.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
RXD rxd.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
ETC etc.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
ETHW ethw.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
OCTA octa.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
XMR xmr.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
ZEPH zeph.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
CFX cfx.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
XEL xel.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
IRON FISH iron.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
KLS kls.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
RVN rvn.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
CLORE clore.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
XNA xna.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
ERGO erg.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
BLOCX blocx.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing
NEXA nexa.kryptex.network:7777 username.Worker or miner@gmail.com/Woker x or nothing

Connect on Windows

Open the page of your desired coin on the Kryptex pool: https://pool.kryptex.com/.

  1. In the setup tool on the site, select "Kryptex Account" as the payment method.
  2. In the "Worker" field, enter a name for your rig, such as MyRig.
  3. In the "Region" field, choose the preferred pool region. If you’re unsure, select Global.
  4. In the "Wallet" field, input your Mining Username.
    • You can find your Mining Username in the Profile section of your account.
    • Alternatively, you can use your email address as a wallet, but note that not all miners support this format.
  5. Optionally, enable SSL for encrypted connections or SOLO mining.
    • If you’re unsure what these options mean, leave them as they are.
  6. Copy the generated command for your miner’s batch file, or download the pre-configured batch file.

That’s it! Launch the batch file, and within a few minutes, your worker will appear in your Kryptex personal account under “Pool Workers”.

Connect on HiveOS

Creating the Wallet

  1. Choose the coin you want to mine.
  2. Use your Mining Username as the wallet address. You can find it in your Kryptex profile.
    • Alternatively, you can use your email as the wallet address, but note that some miners may not support this format.
  3. Assign a custom name to your wallet.
  4. Confirm the wallet setup.

Create the Flight Sheet

  1. Select the type of coin to mine.
  2. Choose a pre-created coin wallet.
  3. From the list of available pools, select the kryptex pool. Check the pool address for confirmation, and then apply the settings.
  4. Choose the necessary miner.
  5. Name the Flight Sheet as you wish.
  6. Confirm the creation of the Flight Sheet.

If you specified email as your wallet address:

  • Press “Setup Miner Config” to edit miner setting.
  • Edit “Wallet template” so the wallet address and worker name separated with a slash: %WAL%/%WORKER_NAME%. Please make sure that you are separating wallet address and worker name with a / slash. If you use a dot as the separation — you will not be able to connect.

Connect the Mining Rig to the Pool

  1. Select your mining rigs and workers for mining.
  2. Select the Flight Sheet that you have just created.

  3. Press the “Rocket” button to apply the Flight Sheet.

  4. If set up correctly, your worker will appear in the Pool Workers section of your Kryptex account within a few minutes.

Connect on RaveOS

Creating the Wallet

To add a wallet, select “Wallets” from the left menu, and then click “Add wallet”.

Name the wallet as you wish and press “Add wallet”.

Connection Settings

  1. Choose the coin type.
  2. Enter a name for the coin in the field, or leave the default value.
  3. Select the kryptex pool EMAIL from the list of pools.
  4. Check the box next to the address of the selected pool.
  5. Enter the wallet address in the format MiningUsername - your username, available in the profile tab.
  6. Choose the necessary miner.
  7. Save your configs.

Connect the Mining Rig to the Pool

  1. Press the “Dashboard” in the left menu and press the button to show all mining options.
  2. Choose the mining rigs you need and press “Mining” button.

  3. Next, follow these steps:

    • Select the appropriate wallet for from the “Wallet” drop-down list.
    • Select a coin from the “Coin” drop-down list.
    • Select a miner from the “Miner” drop-down list.

  4. If set up correctly, your worker will appear in the Pool Workers section of your Kryptex account within a few minutes.

Connect on ASIC/FPGA

Choose the coin to mine on Kryptex Pool https://pool.kryptex.com/.

  1. Select the address for the desired pool region. If you're unsure, use the first option on the list.

  2. Enter your Mining Username as the wallet address. You can find it in your Kryptex profile.

    • Alternatively, you can use your email as a wallet address, but note that not all miners support this format.
  3. In the ASIC settings, fill in all three address fields with Kryptex pool settings. Use alternative pool addresses for backup.

    • This ensures your ASIC automatically reconnects if the main connection is lost.

  4. Save the settings and reboot your ASIC.

  5. Within a few minutes, your worker will appear in the Pool Workers section of your Kryptex account.

❗Important Information

  1. If you choose to mine with automatic conversion to Bitcoin, all your earnings will be stored in Bitcoin within your Kryptex account.
  2. We recommend using your Mining Username from your profile as your wallet address, as not all miners are compatible with email-based addresses.
  3. You can mine with Bitcoin conversion for any coin except NIR. Dual mining with different algorithms is supported. For the second coin, use your Kryptex email in the same format as the first.
  4. When mining with an email-based wallet, ensure the wallet/worker format uses a / separator. Incorrect formatting may result in no payouts.
  5. To withdraw funds from Kryptex, email confirmation is required. Make sure your email address was confirmed during registration.
  6. Farm status information will be visible in your HiveOS or RaveOS dashboard, or directly in your miner’s console.

🚑 Need Help?

Have any questions, something is unclear, or you can’t connect?

Contact support — we're happy to assist!

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