Desempenho de mineração: hashrate, especificações e rentabilidade das cryptomoedas mais populares.
Kryptex te ajuda a calcular lucros e o tempo de retorno sobre o investimento de NVIDIA RTX A2000.

Última atualização: 26 Mar 2025

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  • 2 anos, 3 mesesatrás
    • Proprietário. Menos de um mês
    • Prós.: The card can be overclocked, very low consumption! Limited to 70 watts by the manufacturer. Thin, single-slot.
    • Contras.: Cutting to 70 watts played a bad joke on POW algorithms like RVN. The price is high. Better consider RTX 3060.
    • Comentário: Professional computing GPU with 6 GB or 12 GB of memory. Sort of like an RTX 3060, which was cut down a bit, nothing interesting. Standard overclocking scheme for any algorithms: Power limit 100%, Core clock +150, Memory Clock from +1600 to +1700. On the Ethash algorithm 40+ mh\s, on RVN about 14+ Mh\s, on ERGO about 105 Mh\s

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