Kryptex opens its pools for direct mining!

26 août 2022 15:36

Our pools have been private for a long time. Now you can connect to them directly and mine cryptocurrency to your wallet!

Our pools have been private for a long time. Now you can connect to them directly and mine cryptocurrency to your wallet!

Join now —

ETH and ETC coins are available now. RVN, ERGO and XMR are coming soon.

Why? I am mining already!

  • The main advantage of direct mining is that you get exactly the coin that you mine to your own wallet.
  • It is more convenient for miners with high hashing power. Now it is easier to connect rigs on HiveOS or RaveOS.

What conditions do you offer?

  • Kryptex uses the PPS (Pay Per Share) scheme - we pay for each valid share. Pool fee is 1%.
  • Profitability at the level of the best pools.
  • Steady income and transparent statistics.
  • Support and community that speak your language and are always ready to help!

What about Kryptex app?

  • Feeling comfortable with Kryptex app? No problem, it continues to work! Now you can choose which way of mining you like best.

Ok, got it. How to start?
