AMD RX 580 4GB

Mining performance: hashrate, specs and profitability on popular cryptocurrencies.
Kryptex helps you calculate profitability and a payback period of AMD RX 580 4GB.

Last updated: 21 Feb 2025

AMD RX 580 4GB Specifications

AMD RX 580 4GB was released at April 18, 2017. The median power consumption is 140.0W. Current market price is $49.00. Maximum GPU temperature is 90 °C

AMD RX 580 4GB Hashrate

Hashrate is a measure unit, showing mining power. Higher = better. hashrate can differ from coin to coin. To compare hashrates on different coins check the table below.

Coin Algorithm Hashrate
Neurai (XNA) KawPow XNA 12.0 MH/s
Cloreai (CLORE) KawPow CLORE 12.0 MH/s
Kaspa (KAS) KHeavyHash KAS 180.0 MH/s
Nexa (NEXA) NexaPoW NEXA 16.0 MH/s
Pyrin (PYI) PyrinHash PYI 660.0 MH/s
Monero (XMR) RandomX XMR 470.0 H/s
Ergo (ERG) Autolykos2 ERG 59.5 MH/s
Ethereum Classic (ETC) Etchash ETC 32.2 MH/s
Alephium (ALPH) Blake3 ALPH 500.0 MH/s
Xelis (XEL) XelisHashV2 XEL 9.3 kH/s
BLOCX (BLOCX) Autolykos2 BLOCX 59.5 MH/s
Ubiq (UBQ) Ubqhash UBQ 32.2 MH/s
Expanse (EXP) Ethash EXP 32.2 MH/s
Beam (BEAM) BeamHashIII 13.5 H/s

AMD RX 580 4GB Mining Performance

Hashrate and energy consumption depend on overclocking and on a specific device. The price may also vary. Specify the values, click on calculate and get the charts specifically for your device.


AMD RX 580 4GB Mining Profitability

The profitability chart shows the revenue from mining the most profitable coin on AMD RX 580 4GB on a given day minus the electricity costs.

Annual profit: 34 USD (0.00035622 BTC)

Average daily profit: 0 USD (0.00000097 BTC)

For last 365 days

AMD RX 580 4GB Mining Payback Rate

The payback chart shows the ratio of AMD RX 580 4GB price and its mining income on different days. This chart helps you understand what payback period to expect.


For older AMD cards (e.g., AMD R9 290 or AMD HD 7870) Catalyst (Crimson) 15.12 driver may show better performance and compatibility.

Any other GPU works best with the latest driver from the AMD website.

Buy AMD RX 580 4GB

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